Audio Feature Extraction (3) Computer Vision (2) Keyword Extraction (1) NLP (1) Natural Language Processing (1) Natural Language Understanding (1) Recommendation System (1) Speech Recognition (3) Video Feature Extraction (1) audio feature extraction (1) classification (1) object detection (1) text mining (1) video feature extraction (1)

 Audio Feature Extraction (3)

Musical Skills Scoring
Confidence Detection
Bird Song Identification

 Computer Vision (2)

Biodiversity App
Automated Assessment of Personal Interviews

 Keyword Extraction (1)

Auto-tagging of Content

 NLP (1)

Auto-tagging of Content

 Natural Language Processing (1)

Automated Assessment of Personal Interviews

 Natural Language Understanding (1)

Knowledge Graph of Educational Concepts

 Recommendation System (1)

Recommendation System for Educational Content

 Speech Recognition (3)

Automated Assessment of Personal Interviews
Automated Diagnostic Tool to measure ASER Reading level

 Video Feature Extraction (1)

Automated Assessment of Personal Interviews

 audio feature extraction (1)

Assessment of Prosody Skills

 classification (1)

Biodiversity App

 object detection (1)

Biodiversity App

 text mining (1)

Free Text Answer Assessment

 video feature extraction (1)

Engagement Analysis of Pratham Open School Videos