Objective: Identifying tags from video scripts for implementing elastic search and improve content searchability

Concept: This involves:

  1. Evaluating scripts of the video on the website and identifying the concepts covered in each video.
  2. Generating tags for each video based on the concepts covered to implement elastic search

Issues addressed: Tagging the content available on the website will help in automatically recommending related videos to the user

Tech Needs:

Problem Statement Status
Creation of an exhautive list of science concepts Done
Extracting knowledge keywords from the video scripts using Yake Algorithm for keyword generation Done
Final list of Tags for science in Hindi and English video scripts on POS website Done

Details: Currently the POS website has a host of videos related to the course content offered by Pratham. Creating proper tags for the videos will help in archiving the content that is currently on the website. Tagging the content will also help in automatically recommending other videos on the website which are related to the current video.