Objective : To automate assessment of short free text answers

Concept : Developing ML model trained based on human-labelled answer evaluation dataset of short free text answers to provide automated assessment

Issues addressed: Assessment plays a central role in any educational process, because it is a common way to evaluate the students' knowledge regarding the concepts related to learning objectives. But the expense and logistics of scoring them reliably often present a barrier to their use. Automating the process of evaluating these assessments can help reduce the burden on the evaluators.

Project Plan:

Step Know-how Status
Collection of data on short free text answers to questions using the student assessment app   Done
Develop web-portals to evaluate the short text answers to be used for training and evaluating the ML model Web Development Done
Implement short text assessment using semantic similarity bwtween the free text answers and ground truth as input Keyword analysis, natural-language processing and Information mining techniques In-progress
Conceptualize and integrate the designed model with an Android app (Deployment) Android Development Not Started

Details: Automatic evaluation is preferred to manual assessment to avoid monotonic, bias errors and conserves time for other activities. Hence automatic assessment is vital for educational system. Keyword analysis, natural-language processing and Information mining techniques are the main approaches adopted for text assessment.

Next steps:

  • Implementing short text assessment using semantic similarity between the ground truth and answer by student
  • Develop an unsupervised method for short text assessment using clustering based approaches