Objective : To provide automated feedback on personal interview videos/audios of youth

Concept : Developing an android app that will take videos of personal interviews by youth, extract features from it, and generate automated feedback on their performance using Machine Learning models

Issues addressed: Verbal along with non-verbal cues frequently reveal the intention of the youth and reflect his/her emotional reactions to and knowledge of any idea/topic. These can be used to evaluate their inter - personal skills needed to excel in their career and workplace. Without an automated evaluation tool, it is difficult for instructors/guide to identify these cues and provide guidance to the youth according to their need.

Features List:

Transcription of Speech Audio Video
Sentiment Analysis Confidence detection Eye contact
Grammar Mistakes   Smile detection
Answer Length   Hand gesture
    Body posture

Project Plan:

Step Know-how Status
Collect data of video and audio personal interview of youth for training of ML models   Done
Pipeline to convert video files to audio files, transcription of audio files to provide input to the NLP code Automatic Speech Recognition Done
Extracting features from the video transcriptions (Sentiment analysis, Language Proficiency) Natural Language Processing completed
Audio feature extraction (Confidence Detection) Audio Feature Extraction Features extracted, models identified for confidence detection
Video feature extraction (Smile detection, hand gestures, eye contact, body posture) Video Feature Extraction completed
Web app design and functionality to submit video for processing Web app development completed
Code Integration of different modules of the Web app App Integration Completed
Deployment and Testing of Web app App Integration Completed
Conceptualize and integrate the designed ML model with an Android app (Deployment) Android Development Not Started

Details :

Personal Interviews are important part of hiring process. To improve employability, youth should be mentored to improve their interview skills. Youth need a platform to get feedback on how they are doing and where and how can they improve. Also, with the right tools, talents can be identified at scale and then connected to right opportunities.

Automated Assessment system for personal interviews will be highly customizable, trustworthy, secure, and can be accessed in multiple devices. It will prepare students with life's skills to excel in their careers and work environment. This app is a great solution for the scale at which Pratham works. Evaluation & grading of personal interviews will become easy for the videos via mobile app.

Progress :

  • Data Collection: Data of personal interviews in form of videos and audios have been collected in English, Hindi, Marathi

Total videos: 56 (Videos: 22, audios:33)

  • Transcription: A pipeline to convert video files to audio files, transcript generation using Azure Speech to text has been created
  • Text Features: Sentiment Analysis is performed on the transcriptions using various dictionary-based methods to get a score of positive/negative sentiment in the interview answers
  • Video Features: Smile detection, Eye contact detection , lip bite detection, face obstruction detection has been completed using computer vision models and thresholds have been finalized
  • Web app creation for video submission and report generation has beeen completed
  • All modules have been integrated
  • The Web Application has been hosted (
  • Phase II development to start in coming days